Timeless Vibrations A-J

$2.50 for 2 plays/day of 1 title.
$4.95 for 5 plays in 1 day. (Play 1 title five times or 5 titles one time, etc.)
$30.65 for 5 plays/day for 7 days.
$85 for 100 plays/month of up to 100 titles.


Use coupon code on the checkout page:
For 5-10 Mp3s. Receive 10% off: MP3_5-10
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AAP Title
Abundance and Success

Based on the teachings of Harv Eker and Joe Vitale this healing set will shift and optimize many energetic abundance and success facets to ignite your life with power, drive and satisfaction. Some of these facets are 1. Raising the set point of your money blueprint, 2. Letting go of needs and attachments that hold you back, 3. Feeling congruent with being spiritual and rich at the same time, 4. Effortlessly willing to "do what it takes.", 5. Feeling great about money being important for your life, 6. Opening the pathways to your full potential.
I'm finding that for those who are energetically optimized in related ways (they just need the cork taken off of the bottle, so to speak) this healing set totaly blows open the channels so your business will pick up very quickly. Be prepared for success - make sure you can handle the increase in customer emails, orders, etc. I'm also seeing ideas that were just flickers of inspiration now come much faster AND the ways to implement them just show up with no effort on your part. So have a good plan for daily R&R time too so you don't burn out! Remember to breathe!

On Demand
ADHD Assistance

"This is really nice. So quiet in my head now. My brain isn't sprinting for it's life." - Marni Robins

After Session Cleanup

This AAP helps you to fully disconnect from those you interacted with in sessions, meetings, consultations,
procedures, social gatherings. This is for beneficial whether you are the practitioner, client, or a highly
sensitive person.

All Mother Issues

This is self explanatory, don't you think? Seriously, you do have issues with your mother or grandmother or the concept of "mother" even if you think you don't have any mother issues.

amber gemstone
Amber Gem Elixir

Amber has special healing properties due to its high succinic acid. Amber attracts spiritual forces that enhance family bonding, help finding a soul mate and heighten instincts so life is more in harmony. Amber properties also include that if rubbed against cloth it will attract lint or dust. Amber is known to cleanse the environment, releases negativity. Amber soothes, calms and energises. Amber also increases clearness of thinking. It also enhances ones patience.

Ambra Grisea

It's a good remedy for migraines and thyroid issues due to autoimmune diseases.

Emotional, sentimental, inhibited, embarrassed, bashful, avoid people. Dwell on past unpleasant experiences, offenses, being hurt. Mind weakens like when getting prematurely old. Dreamy state of mind.

• Fear of poverty, anxiety aggravated by thinking about it, asthma worse from emotion or excitement.
• Ailments like nondescript vertigo, high blood pressure, headache, colitis. Arteriosclerosis.

amethyst gemstone
Amethyst Gem Elixir

Calms the mind, enhances mental activity and lends strength and will power to control passions and break undesirable habits.
Physical: Balances metabolism, stimulates tissue regeneration and increases the production of red corpuscles. May be used to treat disorders of blood sugar levels and lapses in the immune system.
Emotional: Amplifies thought, increases intuition and integrates emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to function as a single unit.

ametrine gemstone
Ametrine Gem Elixir

Metaphysically its said to eliminate negative energy of the aura and stimulate the intellect. Ametrine helps find balance in both physical and spiritual activities. Ametrine is known as a gemstone that can relieve tension. It is also aids in developing creativity, balances stability in mental health and stimulates self confidence. Ametrine also is known to heal emotional exhaustion and also aids in releasing depression and releases blockages. Ametrine strengthens and aligns the body and therefore giving the body balance. Because Ametine is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine, it can be used for meditation, as it gives a calming presence. It cleanses the body of negative energy therefore gives it the positivity it needs.

angle aura gemstone
Angel Aura Gem Elixir

Opens oneself to divine knowledge, to stimulate deep spiritual experiences, to promote successful meditation, to aid in establishing a connection to one’s angels or guides, to bring love and light into any situation, to promote feelings of safety and security, to enhance Lovingkindness, to facilitate peace and calming, to mend broken relationships, to enhance forgiveness on oneself or of others, and to enhance compassionate attitudes.

Anger, Bitterness & Resentment Resolution

Some of the biggest things that keep us from moving forward are anger, bitterness and resentment. And, not only do they keep us stuck they keep those we are angry, etc at stuck as well. I can hear you thinking "Well, having them stuck is fine with me, they deserve it!" Maybe they do, but, do you deserve to be stuck? NO! You deserve a fantastic life! So leave anger, bitterness and resentment behind.

aqua aura quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz Gem Elixir

Clear quartz that has been molecularily bonded with 24K gold. This stone is sometimes referred to as the stone of manifestation. It assists one in bringing into physical form that which only exist in thought before.
Physical: Allowing spirit to work through whatever means that are presented to heal the body.
Emotional: Assists one in trusting spirit to manifest the necessary things to create the dreamed of reality – stepping out on faith knowing that all is well.

Asthma Gone
Ati Rundram Yagna
Attention, Focus & Information Retention

Whether it's in school, on the job, while driving, etc. these optimizations help you maintain attention and focus as well as clear the blocks you have to retain the information that you would like to remember.

Attracting Clients

Be a magnet for your ideal clients. Sit back and relax as healing vibrations effortlessly shift and cleanse your bioenergetic field. Imagine how enjoyable it is to come into a clean home instead of a clutter filled house. It feels so good to be there. In the same way, we attract more people and are more productive when our bioenergetic field is free from blocks and resistances and sabotaging patterns. This healing set optimizes you for an abundance of clients, as well as creating positive resonance between you and your present and future customers/clients. This can also be helpful if you are looking for a job.

Attracting True Love

This AAP is like an energetic makeover for you, clearing your blocks and resistances to love, and getting you on the right path so you'll "bump" into love effortlessly. A real issue here is trust. Trust that even if it takes longer than you wish, love will happen in perfect timing. Remember to be thankful when things don't happen because that might mean we have been saved from a crummy experience. To take the edge off, see My Harmonic Life Partner, below. It really helps single women when you are feeling stressed and edgy because your man is not in your life.

Autism Assistance
Awaken & Remember

Fully activate your multi-dimensional self.

Ayahuasca Experience
azurite gemstone
Azurite Gem Elixir

Stimulates psychic ability, provides a clear insight into all areas of life and assists one in verbalizing psychic experiences.
Physical: Helps to treat circulatory disorders, spinal mis-alignment, and enhances the flow of motion. It is helpful in relieving spasms and misinformation fed from the brain to the physical body.
Emotional: Assists one in imparting information to the masses that are a part of third dimensional reality and helping them move into awareness of other dimensional realities.

Birthing Support
Bounce Back

For fast recovery from physical ailments. Antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antitumor properties. Learn more about this AAP here.

Brain Detox
Brain Lightning Vibrations

This healing set emits the vibrational intention that the developers of the vitamin product "Brain Lightning" desired for their product. It also contains frequencies the developers are not aware of, frequencies that compliment and supplement those already in the vitamin product. Just as we do not yet have a vibrational AAP for food so we don't have to eat again, my APP does not replace the beneficial components that only a 3D vitamin offers. The AAP does act in beneficial and dramatic ways that the the vitamin doesn't address.

Breakthrough Your Life Kryptonite/Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene

For times when you are feeling weak, depressed, feeling held back from accomplishing anything, like when Superman encounters kryptonite.

Breastfeeding Success

This is great even if you're not breastfeeding as it elevates the feeling good hormones.

Cancer Terminator

This program finds and eliminates all active cancer and the roots of the active cancer. It contains everything in the Cancer & Tumor Clearing AAP plus alot more.

Ellen Kratka says "this is “getting out all the dirty laundry” - takes care of all the things that fester and leads up to cancer and other maladies"

Dwight Hayden says "
Feels like I’m scrubbed inside with Tea Tree oil and a magic wand. Feels like a go get ‘em, sic ‘em energy. More hope than normal. Feels like the cloud of death has moved away. It’s still there but not as potent. Sense that everything is going to be OK. No longer has that kicked in the stomach feeling from chemo. I feel a brighter energy now, more positive"

Cancer & Tumor Clearing

Whether or not you have cancer or a tumor the best way to know if this optimization set is for you is if your intuition/gut feeling says it is, or to muscle test/dowse to see if it is. I'd be happy to test this and any other healing set for you. Let me know.

This helps with the emotional challenges one may experience, the regeneration and rebuilding of normal cells and contains the vibrations for these known cancer killers:
• Iscador,a homeopathic
• Fucoidan, a complex of polysacarides found in brown seaweed
• Graviola Tree, leaves, stems and seed extracts
• AHCC, an extract of hybridized medical mushrooms
• Lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein
• MCP, a sugar molecule that blocks the cancer cell's binding ability
• Guacatonga Tree, clerodane diterpenoids in the plant may kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA
• Silymarin, a constituent of milk thistle and artichokes
• Pancreatic Proteolytic Enzymes

gem stone
Carnelian Gem Elixir

Often referred to as the Master Communicator. It energizes the blood and enhances the functions of all eliminative organs. It vitalizes the physical/mental and emotional bodies. Aligns the etheric bodies and enhances attunement with inner self. Facilitates concentration and opens the heart. It is a warming and joyous gem.

Cat Pees Only in Litter Box

Thinking big, no hesitation, capable of follow through, "YES I CAN", dissappointments recede to nothing, "I don't have to be afraid."


This AAP optimizes, balances, centers and stabilizes your chakras, meridians, nadis, aura, and merkaba. It's great to use every day. Simply put, Chakras are energy hubs in our body that connect all parts of our physical body to the electromagnetic field that surrounds it. Think of it this way, our brains are like a computer that hasn't had an internet connection or had its OS and APPS updated for a while. We are then limited in our programs to that which we can personally gather rather than connecting to the information that the universe has gathered for us. With this Chakra AAP we are able to download information from the universe with ease.

gem stone
Charoite Gem Elixir

Said to enhance self-esteem, enhance spiritual growth, and improves one’s ability to love. Charoite is known as a stone that enhances self acceptance as well as self love. Charoite is known to aid ones headache, heart and eye problems. It helps align the body. it also helps in bringing about intuition and clarity. Charoite stimulates consciousness Charoite helps in slowing you and aids in making sure you enjoy and experience day to day life.

gem stone
Chrysocolla Gem Elixir

Enhances peace and tranquillity and emotional balancing and is prized in healing layout work and has strong Yin (female energy) Drussy Chrysocolla combines quartz and has fast healing effects. Musicans have historically worn this beautiful gemstone over the centuries. Chrysocolla is said to bring positivity into negative emotions therefore bringing harmony in ones life. Chrysocolla is a stone said to help bring acceptance and peace in the changing situations. This stone helps to cleanse ones aura.

Circle Q

This healing set inhances creativity.
"I felt a lightness and bubbliness in my heart area; a lessening of tension and anxiety." ~ Kateri Meyer
"The Circle Q is very unique. It feels like a circular energy in my body and feels like connecting my first, second, and third chakras. I feel open and receptive and yes creative. It feels like it gives a healing to my inner child.~ Cress Spicer

gem stone
Citrine Gem Elixir

Shields and protects the solar plexus. Tempers the energy of the power chakra, allowing for ease in dealing with others while maintaining your personal power.

Physical: Aids in digestion and elimination. Removes toxins and aids in regenerating the digestive system. It balances the thyroid and activates the thymus thereby allowing one to act from the purity of intent of the young in spirit; child like rather than childish.

Emotional: Increases contact with higher self and aids in the accomplishment of matters of daily living. Assists one in attracting those things necessary for life as the Gods that we truly are.

Clean House

Neutralizes bound thoughts and the discordant vibration of others in your home. Makes it easier to clearn your home and keep it clean. This is the home version of "Dr. Office Clearning." Use the Feng Shui Mp3 along with this for a more thorough clearing.

Clear Communication
Clear Off World Diseases & Implants

Some of our maladies are not from this planet. I can test to see if this is beneficial for you. Just send me an email and I'll check.

Concussion Recovery

For accelerated recovery after incurring a concussion

Cool Rushes

This is based on that exhilarated feeling one might have when beginning something new

Custom Corrections
Update for Custom Corrections

This remotely updates your Custom Mp3. It is highly beneficial for up to 2 months.

Craniosacral Therapy
Dental - Before Procedure Clearing

Energetic optimizations relating to the affected tooth/teeth so there is less pain or other side effects after your dental procedure.

Depression Healing Vibrations
Diamond Water Frequencies

plays for 5 minutes Diamond Water is spring water which has had its vibrational rate accelerated; this allows it to access higher life and intelligence, making it available to respond to the user's intentions. Read more here about the actual water: https://www.whitemagicway.com/diamondwater.html

Doctor's Office Clearing

1. Clears/neutralizes all accumulated vibrations from past patients (fears, anxiety, etc.)
2. Clears/neutralizes other people's stuff that a patient holds about the doctor and/or the procedure they are about to experience.
3. When patient leaves it clears/neutralized all the vibrations that the patient left in the office. In the air, on furniture, and anything the patient touched, in the waiting room, treatment rooms, bathrooms every place the patient visited in your office.

Ecstatic Zing

Barbara just played her Ecstatic Zing MP3 for both of us and OMG!!! WOW! I felt this powerful happy blissful energy rise up my torso and out the top of my head and then it spilled over my crown and we both began laughing hysterically and could not stop laughing!!! It felt wonderful!!! Half an hour later I feel energized and happy and peaceful at the same time.Thank you Barbara!

EDTA Chelation

This healing set works at the energetic level to release heavy metals.
EDTA (EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic Acid) is a synthetic amino acid related to vinegar. EDTA was developed by the Germans in 1931 to reverse heavy-metal poisoning from the ingestion of lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and more.

gem stone
Emerald Gem Elixir

Aids in the development of keener insight into dreams and alleviates hidden fears. Stimulates the greater use of mental capacity in the healing of the body.
Physical: Treats disorders of the spine, muscles and over-all general healing of the physical body.
Emotional: Balances the heart chakra and aligns and quiets the emotional bodies. Brings harmony to all areas of ones life. Eliminates negativity and assits one in remaining centered during the practical nature of ones work.

Elder Focus and Vitality
Emerging from Catastrophe

This has helped many people recovering from natural as well as personal disasters.

You will receive calming energy frequencies for Loss, Fear, Uncertainty, Exhaustion, Grief, and Adversity.

If you are playing this for someone else (like a First Responder) just think to yourself "Please run this for __their name____."

It will run for 15 minutes but the optimizing energy will continue for hours. Come back and play this as often as you'd like.

My sincerest wishes for your speedy recovery.

Enlightened Warrior Training Camp: Roots Support

Learn to conquer your fears and push beyond your limits. Discover inner strength, perseverance, resilience, and the power of self-belief you never knew you had
*This AAP supports the teachings of the Peaks Potential camp and can be beneficial even if you haven't attended the course.

Eudialyte Gem Elixir Frequencies
Extreme Health: Roots Support

*This AAP supports the teachings of the Peaks Potential course and can be beneficial even if you haven't attended the course.

Fabulous Body, Ideal Weight

Addresses all the underlying emotional issues and patterns affecting your weight as well as your body's physical processing of food, including Metabolic Syndrome issues.

Facing Challenges

Facing challenges head on and in divine timing. Motivation, getting out of self judgement, clearing obstacles. Challenges are thought of and experienced as fun.

Family and Holiday Healing

Family interactions, celebrations, festivities and societal expectations can all act as triggers for old wounds. By identifying and resolving the energetic roots of these triggers we become stronger and more resilient both now and throughout the rest of the year.
This AAP focuses on the concepts:

  • Believing You Are Enough

  • Finding Peace with the Past

  • Healing Familial Wounds

  • Finding Meaning in Trauma

  • Choosing to Respond with Presence And, the feelings that arise during and after holidays, such as, depression, overwhelm, anxiety and, tension between family members.

On Demand
Fasting: Inner Unity
Feeling Unconditionally Loved
Feng Shui
For Men Only: Diffuse Anger/Overdrive

Creates sense of wellbeing. Diffuses Anger/Overdrive. Women - for yourself run "My Harmonic Life Partner" below.

Functional Vision & Color Therapy
Freedom Trader Intensive: Roots Support


This is helpful at the beginning of any new venture, even the beginning of each new day. The vibration of Ganesha is alignment with success, and removal of obstacles, expansion of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth.

Guerrilla Business School: Roots Support

Habits & Addictions
Happy Talk

The more precisely we imagine those things we truly desire, the greater our likelyhood of receiving those thing we truly want. Happy Talk Backstory


This acts like hyperbaric oxygen therapy. When I use this I feel like my cells are able to receive and process more oxygen. Someone with asthma said they are calmer and breathing better when this is running.

Healthy Relationships

This AAP brings congruence and improved dynamics between you and other people, places and things.

Hoarder and Over Collector
I Am Happening Now

What I desire is coming to me daily. It's really happening (not just a dream for the future)

Ideal Physical Vitality

For accomplishing and being in alignment with one's life's mission in perfect physical health, with abundant energy, being fit and in great shape, at your ideal weight, all reawakening codes installed, activated, and supercharged.
People are reporting feeling: happy, calm, content, clear headed, pain relief, energized, sense of wellbeing, rejuvenated, feels like a waterfall.
Here are the first three steps in this healing set. There are many more steps.

1. Locate in one's akashic records the intended physical defects for this current life.
Check one's etheric blueprint for any deviation from one's akashic records.

2. Sync one's etheric blueprint to match one's akashic records.

3.Check one's akashic records for all physical defects that can be removed with vibrational resonance commands. Replace the defect codes in one's akashic records with optimum physical being.

I Go to School
Independence & Inner Resource Activation

"I was holding it together until two days ago when I had to wait for my car’s oil to be changed and the TV was on in the waiting room. A morning talk show was giving all kinds of great tips on exercise and eating healthy.

All those ideas went into my brain and I felt overloaded! I couldn’t get back to that peaceful, manageable place where my goals for this month resided.

I came home and ran the Independence and Inner Resources AAP. All the shoulds left. My confidence returned. And, the overwhelm was gone." - Barbara Robins

Inner Circle Coaching Intensive: Roots Support

*This AAP supports the teachings of the Peaks Potential course and can be beneficial even if you haven't attended the course.

Intuitive Thinking
gem stone
Iolite Gem Elixir

Clears negative thought patterns, banished the blues and encourages one to be secure in oneself and face fear heads on.
Physical: Used to treat fever producing disorders and helps the body to produce regulatory chemicals in the correct proportions for healthy expression.
Emotional: Helps one to be in touch with and clear for communication with ones higher purpose. Eliminates feelings of being trapped on earth plane and opens one to living ones purpose.

gem stone
Jade Green Gem Elixir

Generates divine unconditional love, assists one in being in touch with ones desires and building the bridges to create dreams into reality.
Physical: Assists one in being in touch with the body’s needs to rest and rejuvenate in order to open to spiritual guidance and dream input. Cleanses the blood and removes toxins
Emotional: Assists one in attuning the physical body with earth, provides for a healthy expression of self confidence, self reliance and self sufficiency.

gem stone
Jade Lavendar Gem Elixir

Lavender Jade helps in releasing cynicism and suppressed anger, and to embrace an attitude of serene acceptance. Its action balances nerves and soothes cardiac rhythm. Jade is excellent for healing feelings of guilt, and for extreme cases of defeatism. Learn more about Lavendar Jade.

Jet Lag No More

Helps you adjust to the time zone of your new location and make the most of your stay.