Have you ever taken a road trip? Most of the people I know enjoy taking trips. How about you?
There is a journey coming up that seems to be creating a lot of apprehensions instead of joy. I just watched a very interesting 2012-related video called The Quickening that is going viral right now (the video is below.) It contains some fascinating, encouraging possibilities, totally worth watching. It also brought up some fear for me. Have you noticed that most things surrounding what might occur in 2012 tend to bring up a lot of fear for people?
The fear I felt let me know I have more stuff to clear for myself. Instead of staying in the calm present moment, I chose to drive to the Future Peril Possibilities Mindfrick store. (Ha ha.. I began to write possibilities. As I was changing it to “possibilities” I thought to myself “Fears are not possibilities. They are possibilities – piss on ‘em!
One of the things I’ve noticed is that if I’m feeling something, there are usually lots of others going through the same or similar things. It’s one of the gifts I get to have as a healer/teacher. I get to experience a lot of stuff so I can wave my hand and say to you guys “over here, I see something to clean up over here.”
A very interesting thing they talked about in The Quickening video was a specific date in October of THIS YEAR that they thought could be significant in the 2012 unfolding. I had a feeling that the date was right around the conclusion of the Jewish High Holidays. (The High Holidays are all about making things right between you and others, you and yourself, and you and God.)
I checked the Jewish Calendar and sure enough, I was right. Why am I mentioning this? Because if you have been receiving newsletters from me for some time you have heard me repeatedly say that I have noticed the energy and meaning of specific Jewish holidays seem to be significant for everyone even if you have never noticed it.
So, I was thinking… would you like to know what I was thinking?… I was thinking that going into 2012 or even going into tomorrow, is like going on a road trip. I don’t know what I am going to encounter on the road – detours, unexpected health concerns, beautiful scenery… I do know that being excited about it is how I’d like to feel, not fearful. I also know if I have my mechanic do a trip check-up on my car before I leave I will have more fun and fewer headaches because my car will be prepared to easily handle the trip. True or true?
It sure seems that now would be a great time to do a 2012 road trip check-up group healing session, to clear fear and unconscious blocks we have surrounding 2012 stuff, AND to do some personal spiritual house cleaning as we go into the High Holiday season. If the video is right, the two are very closely related this year and coming up in just 4+ weeks, so this is a, really, really good time to clear as much as we can. Every time we do some energy clearing it makes our personal and collective lives smoother.
On September 2nd, 2011 I facilitated a 2012 Road Trip Check-up Group Healing Session. It was a perfect time to do this session as it was a holiday weekend in the US and Canada, one when many people take their last road trip of the summer. If you would like to experience this incredible transformational session simply register for the replay here http://bit.ly/roadtripreplay (available through September 26, 2011, July 17, 2012.) Call-in details will be emailed to you directly after you register.
Not quite sure if this is for you? Read comments from people who have already participated in our Road Trip. Click here: http://zemirahealing.com/blog/?p=307
I’m looking forward to taking this road trip into 2012 with you.
P.S. Please share this post with everyone you know. The more people on the Road Trip Check-up the clearer we all get and the smoother our journey will be.
Here is The Quickening video.
The Quickening from Keith Wyatt on Vimeo.