Can a Meltdown Be A Good Thing?

It seems that when I’m going through a lot of personal processing I become like a caterpillar in a cocoon, preparing to transform. Why would this be of any interest to you? Well, would you like me to pass on to you the insights and knowledge I gained that will help you with your own transformation?

For example, at one point, some months ago I exclaimed “I’m having a meltdown!” And then instantly I thought of the caterpillar. Did you know that when a caterpillar goes into its cocoon, it totally melts down into a liquid goo before it becomes the butterfly? So now, when I think of having a meltdown I get excited. That meltdown says “you’re transforming into something better!” Isn’t that a great realization? So the next time you’re having a crisis/meltdown you can get excited too, knowing that you’re becoming more amazing!