Are You Feeling Lost, Sad, Numb?

A friend recently posted the following on Facebook:

  • “How many of you feel a little lost right now professionally? Not sure why you are doing what you are doing. Maybe a little sad – depressed, but mostly numb, like nothing f’n lights you up…How is your journey going?”

As I was reading through the comments before I wrote one of my own I had a flash of a memory. There is a road I occasionally find myself on when coming home. It is very familiar to me as I’ve been taking it for years. But, after dark, it’s a whole other thing.

There is one curvy forest patch about a mile long, that is not lit. I always get surprised and scared thinking that I have been daydreaming while driving and I’ve gotten onto the wrong road. There are no streetlights, no stop-and-go lights, and no cross streets so I stay on the road hoping I’ll eventually see some kind of sign so I’ll know which way to go.

And then, just as suddenly as I went into the dark unknown, before me are lights and the big familiar intersection. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I didn’t get lost. I have been on the right road all along.

From my friend’s post and many of the comments, it sounds like that’s what a lot of people are going through in life right now. We’re afraid we’re lost and we don’t know where we’re going.

The good news is, you are really on the right road. You just won’t know that for a while. Keep walking, and you’ll walk into the answer.